family connection Workshop
Tired of feeling disconnected from your kids? Feel like you’re having trouble connecting and speaking their language? Want to be sure your kids leave your home with strong values, relationship skills, and ways to work through emotions? Want to teach your kids healthy ways to cope with stress but struggling to do that yourself?
Parenting is such a big job and while it often brings much joy and fulfillment, sometimes it’s exhausting, overwhelming, and disorienting. You think you’ve worked out helpful strategies for helping your kids through life and then their developmental stage shifts and you’re back to the drawing board. Life is busy with school, homework, activities and you are juggling many priorities. At times, you may find yourself wondering if you’re covering all the bases and equipping your kids to move successfully through life.
Emotional life is difficult for most adults to manage and then you’re carrying the pressure of helping your kids through tantrums, disappointment, and pain while confronting the uncomfortable reality that you may be struggling to cope in healthy ways yourself. The relieving truth is that you aren’t alone. All parents are figuring it out as you go and you can keep learning new ways to parent all along your life journey.
Join with us for a fun, insightful, and very helpful family workshop experience that will provide you with clarification of your family and personal values, understanding of simple brain-based strategies for managing overwhelming feelings in healthy ways, practical ways to use your personal list of healthy coping skills, and common family language for talking about your values, personal strengths, coping skills, and emotions.
This 4 session family workshop is the piece you’ve been missing. In 1 hour sessions, you will gain critical skills to immediately bring movement in the health of your family and to fill the gaps in emotional education your kids are not getting through school, church, and extra curricular activities. And, if you’re a parent who missed emotional education in your childhood, you can join with your kids and gain the skills together.
SEssion 1: What are your values
In session one, you will define what values are, how they shape your life, where values originate, and discuss how current culture is shaping your personal and family values. You will create a list of your top 10 personal values and will create a collective list of your top 10 family values. In addition, you and your kids will each walk away with a list of individualized positive character qualities.
Session 2: What are you feeling
In session two, you will learn what emotions are, how emotions work, which emotions make you comfortable, and which emotions make you uncomfortable, and specific feeling words to connect with how you experience emotions in your body. You will learn how you think, talk, and behave when you have certain feelings. You will walk away with a personalized list of your top 5 comfortable and uncomfortable emotions.
Session 3: How feelings work in your brain
In session three, you will learn a simple strategy for understanding the basics of how your brain responds to emotion, how you get triggered into a fight, flight, or freeze response, and how to calm yourself down. You will walk away with a specific, effective breathing technique for adults and kids that will help you reset when you’ve flipped your lid.
Session 4: How to cope in healthy ways
In session four, you will learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy coping skills. You will walk away with a personalized list of your top 5 healthy and unhealthy coping skills. You will learn a specific, effective technique to help you from start to finish to understand an overwhelming emotion, to calm yourself, to cope in a healthy way, and to return to an emotional space to make intentional decisions based on your values.
how do i participate in the workshop?
You can participate in the Family Connection Workshop either through an individual family experience or a group family experience. The individual family experience is a 4 consecutive week, 1 hour per session in office experience with your family. The group experience is a 4 consecutive week event with 1 hour sessions for a group of families. If you have a group of friends in your church, neighborhood, or school you think would enjoy and benefit from the workshop, you can coordinate a group experience. We will come to a location of your choice including homes, churches, schools, etc. for your group experience. The cost of the workshop is $400 per family for either the individual or group experience. The workshop is most effective when working with children ages 10 and up. We are excited to connect with you and your family to help you get moving in confidence in your parenting and family connection!