Why We love and use Essential Oils
We love essential oils in our home because they have provided us with simple, natural support for many of the daily issues we face pursuing a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Oils are used on the daily in our world to support how we feel and function both physically and emotionally. When seeking to improve your health and solve issues, there are many self-care options available that encourage you to use unnecessary chemicals that can further contribute to feeling poorly due to exposure to toxins. When seeking a healthy, natural approach to supporting your body, high-quality, essential oils are a wonderful and effective alternative for supporting your body and mind.
Essential oils are the life blood of various plants distilled and bottled for human use. Essential oils can be used by inhaling them directly from the bottle or when diffused into the air with a diffuser or by applying topically to skin on the body. Essential oils support the systems of the body at a cellular level and can be helpful in supporting healthy sleep, immune system, energy levels, hormone balance, emotional balance, and overall physical health.
We have chosen Young Living Essential Oils because they are high quality, pure, therapeutic grade essential oils that have a Seed to Seal guarantee. We highly recommend using essential oils to support your health and wellness journey. We use oils daily to support wellness for ourselves and our 3 boys in the areas of fighting school germs, good rest, energy, calming down, digestive support, and generally feeling well. We provide ongoing education, resources, and community for learning all you need to know about using oils to support your wellness goals.
Contact me (Stephenie) individually to meet to discuss your goals and how essential oils can fit into your wellness plan. If you are currently ready to begin your essential oil journey, I would love to have you join The Live-Giving Oils Community. The best, most economical way to begin (the way we began) is to purchase a Premium Starter Kit that includes 12 of the most commonly used oils including Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, Frankincense, Stress Away, Panaway, Thieves, Raven, Citrus Fresh, Digize, Peace & Calming, and Valor. It also includes samples of Ningxia Red, a wonderful antioxidant supplement, Thieves spray and hand sanitizer, and a high quality diffuser.
When you purchase a starter kit, you become part of Young Living and get 24% off retail price on an ongoing basis. You also receive personalized support from us and connection to educational Facebook Groups and classes to assist your learning process. We are beyond happy to answer any questions you have about Young Living essential oils or essential oil based products. If you wish to purchase your Premium Starter Kit, contact me at 918-221-9987 or here and I’ll walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
Using plant based products in our home has changed how we feel and function daily. It has been such a gift being able to slowly clear out unnecessary toxins from our home and life that help support us thinking clearly and feeling better both physically and emotionally!
Important Note to Coaching/Counseling Clients: If you are a counseling or coaching client, it is important that being your counselor or coach be our primary role and we will not also be able to be your essential oil wellness coaches through Young Living. We will, however, be happy to refer you to a trusted Young Living wellness advocate for education and resources about how oils can compliment your wellness journey.